Career Services

Move closer to your dream career by working with our Career Services team. You’ll get direct access to resources, events, career pathing support and our network of 134+ employer partners who love to hire NSTAR Technologies graduates.

Optimized for You

Work with your Materials Advisor to turn your unique combination of skills into a resume and other professional materials tailored to your career goals. Attend exclusive career workshops and industry events that align with your professional interests.

Match With Employers

Our Career Services team has built relationships with 134+ employers across the globe. You’ll work with your Career Coach to get premier access to job referrals for open roles that match your skill set and put you on the path to your dream career.

Continued Assistance

Once you complete the program, you’ll continue to benefit from the Career Services’ Career Engagement Network to ensure you’re always putting your best professional foot forward — no matter where you happen to be in your career.

Stay Supported Throughout Your Career

Showcase Your Skills

Career Services works with hundreds of employer partners to understand exactly what they’re looking for in a candidate. Work with your Career Services team to first become employer-ready and qualify for additional support services that will then help you progress to being an employer-competitive candidate.

Dedicated Support During The Training

Not sure where your next career move will take you? Career Services will help you map a clear path and target a role you’re excited about.

Network Meaningfully

Develop a plan for networking and interviewing with your coach. You’ll gain access to our national guide of meetups and events, plus a number of resources to help you make new connections in-person and online.

Showcase Your Skills

Present the skills and projects you’ve worked on throughout the program to industry professionals during a low pressure and intimate event.

Access Exclusive Job Referrals

Work with your Career Services team to reach the “employer-ready” milestone and unlock access to job referrals to relevant and open positions through our 134+ employer partners.

Ace Your Interview

 Access resources on effective interview practices and get the opportunity to attend behavioral and field-specific interview workshops. 

And that's not all...

Employer-Ready vs. Employer-Competitive

Career Services works with hundreds of employer partners to understand exactly what they’re looking for in a candidate. Work with your Career Services team to first become employer-ready and qualify for additional support services that will then help you progress to being an employer-competitive candidate.

Additional Career Services

One-on-one Career Counselling

We will have one-on-one career counselling sessions with all our students as they a way to kick-start their job search process. The goal of this is to come determine exactly what the students’ career goals are, determine their areas of strengths and develop a career search plan that is consistent with their desired career plan. We provide them the tools to jumpstart their job search process .

Resume Preparation

Nobody can ever underestimate how important it is to have a good resume. First impressions count, and the first impression that a potential employer will have of our students is going to depend on how their resume is presented.

LinkedIn Profile Creation

We help our students build a professional LinkedIn Profile to assist the job search efforts. Again this is effort geared towards making sure recruiters and potential employers form the right first impression of our students.



"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
- Benjamin Franklin